
Monday, November 12, 2012

Muffin Tin Monday

Ok, ok I will admit, I am a little too old for Muffin Tin Meals, but I just love them too much not to do a MTM post every Monday on my blog.

Some of you may be wondering "What in the world is a Muffin Tin Meal?!?" or thinking "Muffin Tin Monday... I never heard about that!" but fear not! as I have a wonderful link to the original creator of everything MTM that tells you all about the details, what it is, who made it, what inspired them, etc. This blog also has lots of cute Muffin Tin Meals displayed and lots of fun ideas, so be sure to check it out.

What is a Muffin Tin Meal and what is Muffin Tin Monday:

The original creator of MTM's blog home page:

 All though I do have TONS of fun creating these meals for myself, I can't help but to be sad whenever I make them because I know Seth would enjoy this a lot. I do still plan on making these on a regular basis. I feel as thought running away from things that trigger the thoughts of Seth is not the way to go, but rather to face them head on. I do not avoid actives because they remind me of him, I just do them anyways and attempt to overcome my sadness. I will not say that everyday is a challenge, because really its not, I tend to suppress all my thoughts and memories of him (yes I know this is extremely bad but if I did not do it I don't think I would get through the day). There are times however, times like these where I make Muffin Tin Meals that the suppressing just does not work and I find myself simply wishing he was here to enjoy the fun with me.

I will admit, I do not actually have a muffin tin, as mine rusted. Don't worry it was a cheapo Dollar Store one anyways :) And since, Anthony and I are currently in a financial hard place due to me having to take off two months of work for the birth of our son coming up in January, I do not have have the funds to buy a new one. So I this a cute fish plate in place of a muffin tin and wasn't able to buy items for a specific theme.

My Muffin Tin Meal
Top: grapes & habanaro white cheddar chunks
Right: hotdogs & banana pepper rings
Bottom: salad and mild cheddar cheese chunks (love my cheese!)

I cant wait to give one of these to Anthony once he moves in with me and see his reaction. He's such a manly man lol so I think he may get a kick out of me serving him what some people may see as a toddlers meal :) I am also very exited to try these out on Bear! I just cant wait for his big arrival and spending every precious moment possible with him! Only about two more years until he can enjoy Muffin Tin Meals but I think its worth the wait, in the meal time I'll just stick to making them for myself and stock up cute ideas for the future.

FRUIT FLY UPDATE: I came home from Kissimme this weekend to find (almost) all of the fruit flies were gone! I didn't see any in the kitchen and only found about 3 in my bedroom. The trap that I made had no fly corpses in it at all, so their disappearance is a complete mystery to me! But hey I'm not complaining! :D

ROOMMATE UPDATE: Remember how exited I was to find out that my roommates were moving out? Well turns out they didn't get the house :(. This is good and bad. (but mostly bad). It will mean I will have more much needed money but it also means my house has to stay a wreck for longer than expected. SIGH. And I was so epically exited to clean the place and start my nesting process. Lets just hope they are gone by December 1st. If they are not gone by then, I will have a real problem on my hands as my baby's due date is quickly approaching and I need to get the house and nursery ready for his big arrival. We shall see what happens.


  1. That is the cutest plate! I love it!! I've made Muffin Tin Meals on a regular plate using 6 paper cupcake wrappers before...whatever works ;)

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