I didn't want it to have to come down to this but I am afraid I am going to need to start dieting. I have noticed that my weight is going up instead of down and after a bit of research I would like to say I have an idea why that is happening.
After I had Seth I did not diet afterwards, the weight just seemed to come off on it's own. This time it isn't happening. I have gained 7 lbs since I had Bear! When I left the hospital I was (I think) around 121. I am now 128 and this is upsetting me quite a bit. I know I am not fat but I am not at the weight that I would like to be. Ideally I would like to be 111 lbs, the weight I was before I got pregnant. I would settle for 115 but anything over 115 seams over weight to me. Because I have been hovering between 99 and 114 since I was about 14 years old so for me this is my NORMAL, and anything else is fat. I want so desperately to get back to my normal so diet here I come!
.... right after I finish off all the non-diet stuff I have laying around my house. Not because I am delaying it but because I do not want any perfectly good food to go to waste. So over the next week I will be eating the chocolate cake, lemon cake cookies, and Cheetos I have sitting in the kitchen. Then I will be ready to diet!
I am not so sure I will be able to get much exercise in due to the fact that I really do not have much time for that. But maybe I will start walking to work or walking home from work and then eventually work into walking to and from work everyday. I have been having a hard time walking long distances now a days because I am out of shape. It used to be I could walk 8 miles a day no problem but now I go 2 and I feel completely fatigued beyond belief.
So, I will start with adjusting what I eat. My plan is to consume no more than the following each day.
Calories- 828, Fat - 27G, Cholesterol - 124MG, Sodium - 994MG, Carbs - 124G, Fiber - 10G, Protein - 21G and Sugar - 14G
I have been looking at calculators and I do realize that this is going to be HARD! I am not too worried about the cholesterol, sodium, fiber, or protein. I am going to try and focus on not going over the calories, sugar, fat, or carbs. I also realize the reason I am not losing weight is because I am currently exceeding these amounts everyday even though I am often skipping lunch and breakfast, I still end up going over the amounts at dinner time.
The goal is to lose 2 lbs a week over 9 weeks for a total 17 lbs loss. And be back to my 111 lbs by June 26th.
We shall see. I will let everyone know the progress that I am seeing. This will not be steady though because I do not own a scale and Anthony would never let me buy one because he knows I would worry too much when I got on it and it did not say what I would want it to say lol. But when I happen to be in Publix I can weigh myself (when Anthony isn't looking) to see my progress.
I made a ticker for when I post updates :] I will post the updated ticker every time I weigh myself. Here's to a new lifestyle! Wish me luck!
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