The last time I blogged was on June 9. I am still here I promise! :]
I have been really super busy with my job and my Etsy shop as it is starting to take off.
I will be back to blogging very soon. I promise. And I will probably get my bento blog going again full blast pretty soon as well! I am super exited for that :]
All of us are doing great, just chugging along. Diet is going so-so, Bear is hitting more and more milestones, and Anthony is doing great too.
Hope everyone is doing great as well. I will be back full force sometime with in the next few weeks and I will explain why I have been away so long as well as provide lots of updates on Bear (and cute pics too!).
"Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue, and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true." -Lyman Frank Baum
Monday, June 24, 2013
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Saturday, June 8, 2013
99 Questions
- Saw this on anther blog and thought it would be fun so here we go!
- 1: Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
- No preference, some days it's open and some closed.
- 2: Do you take the shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotel?
- I can not even remember the last time I stayed in a hotel.
- 3: Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
- I don't sleep with a sheet. Just the fitted sheet and a thick blanket.
- 4: Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
- Yes actually lol. When I was 16 and it was a speed limit sign.
- 5: Do you like to use Post-It notes?
- I used to at work but then I realized that emailing was just as good.
- 6: Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?
- All the time.
- 7: Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
- I guess the bees because I would have a greater chance of living and/or not losing a limb. But really come on what kind of a question is that! lol
- 8: Do you have freckles?
- A few.
- 9: Do you always smile for pictures?
- Nope.
- 10: What is your biggest pet peeve?
- I am not sure...I have a lot.
- 11: Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
- HAHAHA I used to when I was in my teens. I felt like a dork but I couldn't stop.
- 12: Have you ever peed in the woods?
- In the woods... no. In the bushes... yes.
- 13: What about pooped in the woods?
- In the woods... no. In the bushes... yes.
- 14: Do you ever dance even if there’s no music playing?
- No.
- 15: Do you chew your pens and pencils?
- Pens yes & pencils no.
- 16: How many people have you slept with this week?
- One.
- 17: What size is your bed?
- Queen.
- 18: What is your song of the week?
- Don't have one.
- 19: Is it OK for guys to wear pink?
- Yea I think so. Pink is just a color. Tutu's and dresses... now that is another story.
- 20: Do you still watch cartoons?
- With my son.
- 21: What’s your least favorite movie?
- Vanilla Sky.
- 22: Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
- I would not bury a treasure! Like really who would do that?! lol
- 23: If you’re a girl, bra size? If you’re a guy, pants size?
- I really don't know somewhere between C & D.
- 24: What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
- Honey Mustard or Bar-B-Q.
- 25: What is your favorite food?
- Don't have one but I ADORE cupcakes and chicken nuggets.
- 26: What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
- Vanilla Sky or the new Alice in Wonderland.
- 27: Last person you kissed/kissed you?
- Anthony
- 28: Were you ever a Boy/Girl Scout?
- A girl scout for like7 years! lol I over did it.
- 29: Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
- NO.
- 30: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
- About a year ago to Anthony?
- 31: Can you change the oil on a car?
- HA no. I can't even pump gas.
- 32: Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
- No I have never even drove a car.
- 33: Ever ran out of gas?
- My dad has while I was in the car when I was like 5, he had to push it to a gas station.
- 34: Favorite kind of sandwich?
- Cuban.
- 35: Best thing to eat for breakfast?
- Steak! or Cupcakes! I'm not a breakfast person, I eat what I want when I want it.
- 36: What is your usual bedtime?
- About 9:30 PM but lately I have been hitting the hay at 7:30 I know WEIRD.
- 37: Are you lazy?
- Unfortunately yes.
- 38: When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
- Oh lots of things, but the only two I can remember are a mouse and an old man.
- 39: What is your Chinese astrological sign?
- Goat.
- 40: Are you horny?
- No.
- 41: Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
- Yea I have one for Nat Geo Kids... It may have just ran out thought not sure.
- 42: Which are better, Legos or Lincoln Logs?
- Legos! I never understood Lincoln Logs
- 43: Are you stubborn?
- Definitely.
- 44: Who is better…Leno or Letterman?
- Who are they?
- 45: Ever watch soap operas?
- No but I have watched a lot of shows that seem like soap operas lol.
- 46: Are you afraid of heights?
- Not really.
- 47: Do you sing in the car?
- I don't sing unless it's a baby song to my son or a playful song to my boyfriend.
- 48: Do you sing in the shower?
- No.
- 49: Do you dance in the car?
- No.
- 50: Ever used a gun?
- BB Guns and Airosoft guns but never a real one.
- 51: Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
- 2007 in 9th Grade.
- 52: Do you think musicals are cheesy?
- Most of them but I like Chicago and Sweeney Todd.
- 53: Is Christmas stressful?
- Not really.
- 54: Ever eat a pierogi?
- Yes. They are yum.
- 55: Favorite type of fruit pie?
- Cherry or Apple.
- 56: Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
- Anthropologist, Pediatrician, Scientist, Crime Scene Investigator. All of these make me laugh now lol.
- 57: Do you believe in ghosts?
- Nope.
- 58: Ever have a deja-vu feeling?
- Every now and then.
- 59: Take a vitamin daily?
- Calcium.
- 60: Wear slippers?
- Nope.
- 61: Wear a bath robe?
- Not a BATH robe but I do have a fuzzy zebra robe I throw on when I'm cold.
- 62: What do you wear to bed?
- Depends on the day. Sometimes I wear PJs others I just sleep in my jeans.
- 63: First concert?
- Never been to one.
- 64: Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
- Love Target but there isnt one close, hate Kmart... so at the end of the day I'm stuck with Wal-Mart which is ok by me but their service is kinda bleh .
- 65: Nike or Adidas?
- Nike.
- 66: Cheetos Or Fritos?
- Cheetos.
- 67: Peanuts or sunflower seeds?
- Depends on my mood. Sometimes I just do not have the patients for sunflower seeds but other times it's fun to sit and peel them.
- 68: Ever hear of the group Tres Bien?
- Nope.
- 69: Ever take dance lessons?
- Ha no.
- 70: Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
- Ummm I could see Anthony as a Cop or a cashier haha.
- 71: Can you curl your tongue?
- No.
- 72: Ever won a spelling bee?
- Never have been in one.
- 73: Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
- Don't think so.
- 74: Own any record albums?
- Not a single one.
- 75: Own a record player?
- No.
- 76: Regularly burn incense?
- No, my step mom used to do this and it made me despise the smell because she did it too often.
- 77: Ever been in love?
- Yep.
- 78: Who would you like to see in concert?
- No one singers are just people like you and me, why stand in the hot sun when I can just flip on the radio?
- 79: What was the last concert you saw?
- Never been to one...
- 80: Hot tea or cold tea?
- Neither! I hate all tea.
- 81: Tea or coffee?
- Coffee but I will only drink it cold like a Frap or iced coffee.
- 82: Sugar or snickerdoodles?
- Sugar.
- 83: Can you swim well?
- No. If I was drowning I could barley swim well enough to save my life.
- 84: Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
- Yes.
- 85: Are you patient?
- Sometimes.
- 86: DJ or band, at a wedding?
- DJ I guess.
- 87: Ever won a contest?
- A few.
- 88: Ever have plastic surgery?
- Nope.
- 89: Which are better, black or green olives?
- Green. I don't really like black, they lack flavor.
- 90: Can you knit or crochet?
No but I have tried to crochet quite a few times.- 91: Best room for a fireplace?
- Bedroom so you can be toasty all night long :]
- 92: Do you want to get married?
- Yes I do.
- 93: If married, how long have you been married?
- Not married...Yet.
- 94: Who was your HS crush?
- LOL I didn't have one actually.
- 95: Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?
- Nope.
- 96: Do you have kids?
- Two.
- 97: Do you want kids?
- Yes I want my kids! lol.
- 98: What’s your favorite color?
- Yellow.
- 99: Do you miss anyone right now?
- Bear :/
Goodness that was a LONG questionnaire! :]
Thursday, June 6, 2013
5 Sales!
Today we reached our goal of 5 sales in our Etsy shop by the end of the first month! Our shop has been open for exactly two weeks today. I am so beyond thrilled about this! Maybe we will get 5 more in the next two weeks! (I am not hopeful though because I don't want to get crushed if we don't lol). Next month's selling goal starts on June 23rd and the goal is 10 sales by July 23rd! I can't wait to see if our little shop that we have been working on so hard takes off! Today feels good. Really good.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Pictures are hard. Seriosly. Dude.
When setting up for my Etsy shop I took TONS of pictured before I settled with the style that I did.
I originally had planned to have all of my pictures set up like the one below but with different color chevron background in the different pictures.
The problem was, no matter what I did, the picture always came out too dark! When I went outside to take the pics; whenever I had a white background, my camera would MAKE the picture dark for some reason! I have no clue why, because when I took away the white background... BOOM! Bright picture. Makes no sense to me and I could not find the manual of my camera for the life of me.
I tried many different methods. I tried poster board. I tried non-reflective white back drops. I tried just a plate alone. Nothing worked.
So I gave up and tried to take the pics inside... that didn't work either. They still were coming out too dark no matter what I did. Even after editing they just were not bright enough for me. I tried using a lighting box with the lights it came with. I tried moving the lights. I tried using the lighting box with natural light. I tried it inside without the lighting box (this one was the closest to what I wanted.) And I also tried using different lights with the lighting box. At the end of the day... no luck.
While outside one day I was looking at the way the sun was hitting the grass and casting shadows. So I started taking pics of the grass and comparing the lighting. I then decided to put the crayons in the grass to see what would happen... and what do you know! A perfectly bright picture. Really it makes no sense to me. My camera can take a bright pic of crayons in the grass but when I put a white plate in that SAME spot and take a picture it automatically makes the picture SUPER dark.
I did not want my whole shop to look green from all the photos in the grass so I tried taking the pics on the sidewalk. The first time I did they ended up too bright because I was sitting in the direct sunlight. I noticed though, that when the sun went behind a cloud, the pics came out great.
So at the end of the day. I took pics on the sidewalk in the shadow of my apartment complex building. I noticed that I have to take pics between 5 and 7:30 PM or the shadow will not be there and they will come out too bright. I also can not take pics on a cloudy or rainy (boo! Florida has been having TONS of these as of late) day because they will come out too dark.
While I am not 100% thrilled with my shop's pictures, I am satisfied. I suppose one day when I have the time and patients I will try to achieve the original look I was striving for.
I originally had planned to have all of my pictures set up like the one below but with different color chevron background in the different pictures.
The problem was, no matter what I did, the picture always came out too dark! When I went outside to take the pics; whenever I had a white background, my camera would MAKE the picture dark for some reason! I have no clue why, because when I took away the white background... BOOM! Bright picture. Makes no sense to me and I could not find the manual of my camera for the life of me.
I tried many different methods. I tried poster board. I tried non-reflective white back drops. I tried just a plate alone. Nothing worked.
So I gave up and tried to take the pics inside... that didn't work either. They still were coming out too dark no matter what I did. Even after editing they just were not bright enough for me. I tried using a lighting box with the lights it came with. I tried moving the lights. I tried using the lighting box with natural light. I tried it inside without the lighting box (this one was the closest to what I wanted.) And I also tried using different lights with the lighting box. At the end of the day... no luck.
While outside one day I was looking at the way the sun was hitting the grass and casting shadows. So I started taking pics of the grass and comparing the lighting. I then decided to put the crayons in the grass to see what would happen... and what do you know! A perfectly bright picture. Really it makes no sense to me. My camera can take a bright pic of crayons in the grass but when I put a white plate in that SAME spot and take a picture it automatically makes the picture SUPER dark.
I did not want my whole shop to look green from all the photos in the grass so I tried taking the pics on the sidewalk. The first time I did they ended up too bright because I was sitting in the direct sunlight. I noticed though, that when the sun went behind a cloud, the pics came out great.
So at the end of the day. I took pics on the sidewalk in the shadow of my apartment complex building. I noticed that I have to take pics between 5 and 7:30 PM or the shadow will not be there and they will come out too bright. I also can not take pics on a cloudy or rainy (boo! Florida has been having TONS of these as of late) day because they will come out too dark.
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This is the pic I went with after all the failed pic attempts. |
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
21 Weeks Old!
Quick post this week :]
Bear started eating this week! He is still getting used to it but he is learning to love it. He prefers to eat his rice cereal warm and mixed with apple juice. He is still eating 5 oz of milk every 2-3 hours and we are feeding him rice cereal here and there maybe one time every other day. He seems to still take the same amount of formula even after a cereal feeding. We will have to work on being more routine with his feeding.
Bear also started saying his first word this week! He can now say Mama! Whew! I am so thrilled every time I hear him say it too! I never once heard Seth say Mama not even when he was 2 years old. So far this is his only word but he is babbling a lot so I think more are coming soon.
Sleeping is the same and health is all good.
He has grown and is almost too big for size 0-3 months clothes now *tear* I don't know if you would call him small because he is 5 months and still fits in most 0-3 months clothes. But he also fits in some 3-6 months. I guess I would say he is average :]. He is still in a size 2 diaper but he is close to out growing that as well.
As far as looks go. His looks are changing daily but I can't really tell because I see him everyday lol. The only thing that I have really noticed is he is starting to grow more hair.
Monday, June 3, 2013
Goals: June
Oh May..... what were your goals?
June's Goals:
- Finish making crayons for Etsy shop: Kinda sorta Check. We ran out of supplies but we made all we could.
- Set up and list items in Etsy shop: Check
- Make at least 5 sales in Etsy shop: I did not start listing until May 23rd and I managed to get 3 sales in May... so I think this is a check! My goal was 5 sales in the first month so we will see how this goes.
- Make a Facebook and Twitter for my Etsy shop and start using them: Check... and kinda check. I made the accounts but I am having a hard time finding the time to use them. I think if I had a phone I would do a lot better at this!
- Take LOTS of pics of Bear: Check
- NO impulse purchases: FAIL but this is because we had more money than planned.
- Lose at lease 6 lbs: Check! :]
- Organize the house more: Actually... Check! I just started this past weekend and I am not done yet but this is a work in progress and I am exited!
- Stick to my diet at least 90% of the time: I was doing really good with this just up until this last week. I splurged with an ice cream cone at 9 PM last night and pizza for lunch on Saturday as well as left over pizza for breakfast yesterday! I am planing on getting back on the wagon this week though!
- Read the Bible more: FAIL
- Put away some money for Anthony's birthday by selling stuff on eBay: Check
- Get a better work/home/Etsy routine down: FAIL I have not yet sit down to establish a routine. We just do stuff "when we feel like it."
- Start reading books to Bear: FAIL but I did think about it! I will definitely start this weekend!
- Learn some new skills in Photoshop: Check! I learned how to put two pictures together. Not really sure how to explain that lol
June's Goals:
- Be more productive on Twitter and Facebook
- Make at least 5 sales on Etsy
- Lose at least 4 lbs
- Paint Bear's room
- Finish organizing my appartment
- Sell a bunch of stuff on eBay
- Pay off Anthony's credit card bill
- Read the Bible more
- Start reading books to Bear
- Get a Fourth of July line listed in Etsy shop
- Get a better work/home/Etsy routine down
- Stick to my diet at least 90% of the time
- Take Bear to at least 2 new places
- Walk a lot more
Here's to June!
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Sunday, June 2, 2013
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