Dear Charlie, You are driving me crazy! I love you but the peeing on the floor everyday has got to stop! I know this is probably partially Anthony's fault for not taking you out but still... it needs to stop. So does the obnoxious walking back and forth when you eat. P.S. you are still my cute little doggie.
Dear Sister, Good luck with your new dog... ha. You are about to be tossed into the life of scrubbing carpet, smelly dog breath, itchy fleas, expensive vet visits, scooping poop, wondering where all those tiny hairs came from, being drug around on a leash, getting nagged to go outside when it is 20 degrees out, and lots and lots of puppy love! I'm sure you'll be a great doggy mommy.
Dear Carpet, I am so sorry you are getting abused. It's a part of life. Get. Over. It. I will try and get you steamed up and smellin good once my apartment complex finally renews my lease (that expired like a month ago!). You'll be so clean you may even get asked out on a date by that cute new rug I have seen laying around in the master bathroom.
Dear Mother in Law, You are awesome and I am glad you are coming over for two days to spend time with us, but I am seriously stressed over the whole thing! I really hope you enjoy the meals we plan to cook you and hopefully Anthony doesn't chose all man movies to watch while you are here. I know you say you like them but really? What woman wants to watch a movie that has nothing but guns and bloodshed? Hmmmm... maybe I'm just odd. And I hope mild Italian sausage isn't too spicy for you!
Dear Strawberry Festival, We are going to you tomorrow and I am super duper exited! Please don't take all my money!
Dear Mall, Same goes for you!
Dear Florida, I know you are busy trying to be a rebel but come on all ready! It's March, why is it 36 degrees out?!?
Dear Fat Butt of Mine, PLEASE shrink! I am so tired of having to wear the same two pairs of pants to work every day because I can't fit into anything else. OK, so maybe I should lay off the cupcakes...and the fried cheese... and the Dr. Pepper... NAH!
Dear Bloggy Friends, Check it out I made a my first ever button! I know it sucks but it was the first time I EVER made anything in Photoshop so I think I did pretty good :]
Stopping by from the Friday Letters link up! Your kids are adorable! Oh and I think it's warmer here in Minnesota than you are dealing with right now in Florida! Keep warm!