Dear Anthony, I love you once, I love you twice, I love you more than beans and rice! My love for you is still growing every single day. P.S. You better give me a Christmas wedding lol! :] And it must be on 12-13-14 because come one how cool would that be?!?! P.P.S you don't really have to do that I am 100% happy just being with you.
Dear Bear, I can not wait til today to be over so I can come home and spend time with you all weekend long! I just loved how you cuddled me last night while I was sleeping! It was the cutest thing. I hate that I have to leave you and go to work and I hope one day that you will understand that I am doing it because I love you.
Dear Charlie, I am glad you are finally home with us now. I do wish your daddy would give you a bath though because you stink like Fritos! I see you are becoming more and more attached to Bear these days. Sometimes I even think you think he is your baby!
Dear Florida, Stop playing with me! I love that you are getting warm again like you should be but come on! quit it with the random cold days in between it's getting old.
Dear apartment complex, I am beyond aggravated with the amount of time it takes you guys to get things done! You would think that since I am giving you over half my pay check every month I would at least get some quick service on things like fixing GIANT freaking holes in my wall (that you guys put there!).
Dear Comcast Internet, I hate you. If I could get another service in my area that did not cost 3 arms and 25 legs I would dump you in a second. Unfortunately I am stuck with your awful service that gets outages unexpectedly when I am in the middle of looking for a recipe for glaze to put on my ham that is all ready sitting on the counter ready to go in the oven!
Dear Blog, awesome things are coming to you! I am splitting you up into two and you are getting a little sister blog named "Bent O' Clock"! You make me so happy.
Dear Goodbyn Box, I am sooo exited for you to come in the mail! eeek! I am about to jump out of my chair. I am so glad I got such a good deal too! There is no beating $14 with free shipping! Now the search for your larger more roomy brother is on! I am having a hard time finding one of those for sale for anything under $55 plus shipping! I have a feeling you and I are going to be the best of friends!
wow lots going on for you!! that would be so fun to be married on 12-13-14!! i love that idea! a new follower! would love you have you come by and check out my blog to be blogging friends!
Hey Heather! I am jumping the boat kinda there lol as he hasn't even bought me an engagement ring yet so we are not officially engaged. But hey I can dream right? :]
DeleteThanks for following my blog! I followed you back. :] Have a great weekend.